Tayda Electronics Blog
Sharing what we are excited about.
Tayda Resistor Calculator
Color Coded Resistor Calculator
Please select color for each line
For 5 Ban...
Educational Post: Capacitors
Capacitors, they are often used to smooth power supplies or signals, they also have a huge varie...
Featured Product: ADXL335 3 Axis Accelerometer
The ADXL335 is three axis accelerometer. It's inexpensive but powerful and gives you acceleratio...
Educational Post: Microcontrollers
Microcontrollers. They come in a variety of types and sizes and uses!
One of the most...
Educational Post: Logic Gates
Educational posts shed some light on basic electronic functions. The goal is that they encourage...
Featured Product: ESP8266 Wifi Module
ESP8266 ESP-07 WIFI Module: Connect to the IoT quickly, easily, and cheaply!
Welcome to the...