555 Amplifier

In its most simplistic form an amplifier can be built with a single 555 timer. In this project, a 200mA of current capability is enough to drive a small speaker, which makes it a good replacement for a low power amplifier. But when more power is needed to

Created by Violin314
Status: Active

Components Step 2 of 3

Resistor Image

Resistor is a passive component used to control current in a circuit. Its resistance is given by the ratio of voltage applied across its terminals to the current passing through it. Thus a particular value of resistor, for fixed voltage, limits the current through it. They are omnipresent in electronic circuits.

Capacitor image

Capacitor is a passive component used to store charge. The charge (q) stored in a capacitor is the product of its capacitance (C) value and the voltage (V) applied to it. Capacitors offer infinite reactance to zero frequency so they are used for blocking DC components or bypassing the AC signals. The capacitor undergoes through a recursive cycl...

Condenser Microphone, Condenser Mic Image

Condenser microphone (mic) is a transducer that uses a capacitor (or condenser) to convert acoustical energy into electrical energy. The sound waves result into electric...

Speaker Image

A loudspeaker (or "speaker") is a transducer that converts electrical energy into acoustical energy. When an electric signal is applied to the input pin of speaker, it generates sound waves. The other pin is connected to ground. A speaker is commonly used to produce sound in response to a sensor output. For example, in an...

555 Timer | IC 555 | NE555

555 is a very commonly used IC for generating accurate timing pulses. It is an 8pin timer IC and has mainly two modes of operation: monostable and astable. In monostable mode time delay of the pulses can be precisely controlled by an external resistor and a capacitor whereas in astable mode the frequency & duty cycle are controlled by two external resistors and a...